June 27, 2024 Casimir Meeting Minutes.

Casimir Pulaski Meeting Notes.

Attendees: Amber Staniec Zach Brzeczkowski Katie Walters  Bruce Brzeczkowski Dynamic Tammy   

Absent: Dawn Clark, Steven Karcz, Renee Slezewski, Ron and Barb Maroszek, Jill Styczynski, Carrie Milhalski, Mark Heck.


  • Dates March 6-9 - 2025

  • Brochure / changes made, revise and print before polka days.

  • Tickets - Still doing the $100 tickets for the $10,000 Promote Pulaski Raffle.

  • Friday & Saturday Night Bands Booked - possibility of adding additional music, depends on the sponsorships received.

  • Door Prizes Only, if we get big ticket items we can do a deck of cards. Less to bring, less of a hassle, and whomever pays to get in will have an opportunity to win gift cards, cash & small items.

  • Sponsorships for 2025 - will get listed on the website.

    • $2000 (Saturday Event)

    • $1000 (Friday Event)

    • $500 (Puzzles & Pints)

    • $100 (Community Sponsor)

  • Open House at the Museum - still discussing what we are going to do, might be an event for kids, not sure will know more later.

  • Katie - shared list of possible organizations to reach out to. Again we are looking for a shared partnership to events more successful.

Action items

  • Katie, reaching out to the Music Booster Club - early so they can possibly help advertise at Casimir Pulaski Days, but maybe also to have the band play during the auction. She will try to get us on the agenda.

  • EDDM - Bruce to reach out to Super Rons and Family Warehouse to see if doing just a small postcard to reach more people and then have a digital coupon - if they would be okay with that.

  • EDDM - Tammy to have Jennifer price out. We made less on it last year.

  • PACE - Tammy to reach out again to PACE to see if they would handle the silent auction for us - we are trying to partner with more organizations to make the events more successful.

  • Open House Museum - Tammy is working with PAHS on what we will be doing for the event. - She will be reaching out to members and have members bake some Polish dishes for the open house instead of paying for them.

  • Bruce and Zach will reach out to Wicka’s - to see if he wants to participate in the Wicka’s Jam event. If yes, then we will reach out to Jen’s Knaughty Pine and let her know, but also use her as a backup event location only.

  • Tammy will draft a letter for businesses and organization to have them partner or participate during Casimir Pulaski Days - we’ll need to communicate several times with them - everyone is busy. Tammy will also research any grants available for cultural/art events and bring to the table in August.

  • School Participation - is there any way to get the school more involved again, like it used to be? Maybe check in with Mark Heck, but having PACE and the Music Boosters participate might be a starting point. Leo Club, or Lions Club - Tammy will try to reach out to Rebecca Anderson.

  • Tammy to update the website between now and August.

  • $10,000 Tickets - Get printed. (Licensed already renewed.)